American author Ernestine Ulmer is credited with this quote which no doubt is particularly appealing to those of us who have a sweet tooth [the writer included!].
In these uncertain times we live in, it also reminds us that we should not put things off in life.
While no doubt the author had in mind indulging our passion for sweets, it also reminds the lawyer in me that it is important to review your will and other estate planning documents to ensure that they are up-to-date and accurately reflect your current family situation and your wishes.
An out-of-date will can leave your estate the subject of family disharmony, uncertainty and in the worst cases litigation. Your assets could end up going to someone that you did not intend to benefit and your estate will incur greater costs in sorting out the mess.
If you have had any of the following happen since the last time you made a will:
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Separation
- Birth of a child
- Death of a loved one or other intended beneficiaries
- Your intended executor has died or lost capacity
then it is likely that your will needs reviewing and updating.
If you have any questions or require any advice regarding making a will or other estate planning issues, please contact our office on 03 95923356; by email:; or fill in the contact page on our website.